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(Open Government Partnership IRM) Invitation to comment on Progress Reports on Costa Rica, Finland, Ghana, Indonesia, Liberia and Panama

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) Blog invite comments on IRM progress reports for several countries, including Indonesia. The post made special reference to Special Accountability Report which is piloted by Indonesia OGP IRM:
About the Indonesia Special Accountability Report
Most of the countries whose reports are being released today began their OGP participation in 2013. Indonesia, a founding country of OGP, is an exception, having participated since 2011. So why is there a report on Indonesia being released for public comment today?
The first Indonesia action plan covered 2011 to the end of 2012. The second action plan covered all of 2013. This is the action plan evaluated in today’s draft “Special Accountability Report.” The government of Indonesia also released a third action plan in 2014 that runs until 2015. That action plan will receive a typical progress report after the one-year mark, similar to other countries in the same calendar as Indonesia. That report is due for public comment in July of this year.
The IRM takes its role as promoting learning and accountability seriously. For that reason, to the greatest extent possible, all OGP commitments will be tracked and accounted for. The Special Accountability report represents an important step in that direction.
Previously, CRPG announced a public comment period for the 2013 OGP IRM Report.


Regulation of Community Based Water and Sanitation (January Review)

The following is a review of blog posts on the regulation of community based water and sanitation in Indonesia to date. This posts reflects ongoing research by CRPG.

  1. "Opportunities and Challenges in Integrating Community-Based Water Services into the Legal Framework". This is my original 2013 draft paper on the regulation of community based watsan in Indonesia. Read more.
  2. "Ringkasan analisa pengaruh adat dalam proyek infrastruktur air"(in Bahasa Indonesia). The article summarizes our research on the influence of Adat (local custom) in community based water projects in East Nusa Tenggara province. Read more.
  3. "From the field: HIPPAMS Tirto Agung". A summary of our visit to one of the successful Community Based Organization in East Java. Read more.
  4. "The relationship between community based water services and regional water utility". Our research explores the conflict and (potential) cooperation between community based water provision versus provisions by regional water utilities (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum or PDAM). Read more.
  5. "From the field: Water CBO Year End Report". This post features how a village-level water CBO, HIPPAMS Tirto Agung (see no.3 above) present its year-end report. The administrative system is quite advanced for a village level CBO. Not all CBO is this advanced, however. Read more.
  6. "Regional autonomy principles restrict provinces in developing community based water and sanitation (?)" In this article, we analyzed that regional autonomy implemented in Indonesia may have impeded the development and sustainability of community-based water and sanitation. Read more.
This list will be updated in upcoming blogs posts as we move further with our research.

Update 30/07/2016:

Full report, presentations and other research materials are available for download at the project page: Regulation of Community Water and Sanitation.

CRPG blog at the Library of Congress Webarchive

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Back in 2010, we informed that our blog (back then it was called Indonesia Law Report or ILR) was to be archived by the Library of Congress:
The United States Library of Congress has selected your website for inclusion in the historic collection of Internet materials related to Legal Blawgs. The Library of Congress preserves the Nation's cultural artifacts and provides enduring access to them. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to the Congress and the American people to foster education and scholarship, extend to digital materials, including websites. 

With your permission, the Library of Congress or its agent will engage in the collection of content from your website at regular intervals over time and make this collection available to researchers both at Library facilities and, by special arrangement, to scholarly research institutions.  In addition, the Library hopes that you share its vision of preserving Internet materials and permitting researchers from across the world to access them. Our Web Archives are important because they contribute to the historical record, capturing information that could otherwise be lost. With the growing role of the Web as an influential medium, records of historic events could be considered incomplete without materials that were "born digital" and never printed on paper. 

Now, you can browse the archives at the Library of Congress here. The archives are available from 2007 to 2012. The CRPG blog is honored to be archived by the LOC and contribute to historical record!


Direktori Putusan Komisi Informasi Pusat

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

CRPG memuat dokumen Putusan Komisi Informasi di tingkat Pusat dan beberapa daerah dalam situs wiki CRPG. Seluruh putusan telah melewati proses OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Setelah diindex oleh Google, putusan ini bisa dicari menggunakan mesin pencari Google Custom Search yang terdapat di web, blog dan wiki site CRPG.

Direktori putusan ini tersimpan dalam wiki CRPG yang artinya, setiap orang dapat mengunggah dokumen putusan setelah terlebih dahulu melakukan registrasi. Mesin wiki dipilih karena sifatnya yang terdesentralisasi. Sejauh ini terdapat 3 kategori:

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Mekanisme Pelaporan Independen Open Government Partnership (Renaksi 2013) -- Masa Penjaringan Pendapat Publik

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Indonesia adalah salah satu dari 8 (delapan) negara pendiri Open Government Partnership, sebuah inisiatif multilateral yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan pemerintahan yang terbuka, akuntabel dan responsif. Open Government Partnership (OGP) diluncurkan pada tanggal 20 September 2011 dan saat ini beranggotakan 65 negara. Di Indonesia, inisiatif OGP mengambil nama Open Government Indonesia (OGI) yang -- pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono -- dikoordinasikan oleh UKP4. 

Negara anggota OGP diharuskan untuk membuat rencana aksi yang sesuai dengan nilai nilai OGP dan tantangan tantangan OGP.

Nilai nilai OGP adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Akses terhadap informasi
  2. Partisipasi Warga Negara
  3. Akuntabilitas Publik
  4. Teknologi dan Inovasi untuk Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas
Sementara itu, tantangan tantangan OGP adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Meningkatkan kualitas layanan publik
  2. Meningkatkan integritas sektor publik
  3. Manajemen sumber daya publik yang lebih efektif
  4. Membuat masyarakat yang lebih aman
  5. Meningkatkan akuntabilitas korporasi
Salah satu mekanisme pengawasan atas pelaksanaan rencana aksi OGP adalah proses pembuatan Mekanisme Pelaporan Independen (Independent Reporting Mechanism atau IRM) di setiap negara. Untuk pelaksanaan rencana aksi OGP 2013 dan 2014-2015, saya ditunjuk untuk menjadi peneliti IRM untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan Rencana Aksi Indonesia. Penulisan laporan independen pelaksanaan OGP Renaksi 2013 didasarkan pada prosedur dan manual yang dibuat oleh IRM OGP.

Secara umum, tahapan Mekanisme Pelaporan Independen adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Desk Study dan studi literatur atas Rencana Aksi (Renaksi) dan pelaksanaannya
  2. Evaluasi awal dan pembobotan renaksi 
  3. Serangkaian wawancara
  4. Penulisan Draft Pertama 
  5. Review Draft Pertama oleh IRM unit di Washington DC
  6. Perbaikan oleh IRM Researcher dan pembuatan Draft Kedua
  7. Review Draft Kedua oleh International Expert Panel
  8. Perbaikan Draft Kedua oleh IRM Researcher dan pembuatan Draft Ketiga
  9. Penjaringan Pendapat Publik (termasuk badan badan pemerintah yang terlibat)
  10. Perbaikan oleh IRM Researcher
  11. Review oleh IRM unit
  12. Peluncuran Laporan OGP
Untuk Renaksi 2013 ini, IRM unit telah memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah laporan pendek (short report) karena rentang waktu Renaksi 2013 sangat berdekatan dengan Renaksi 2014.

Saat ini, proses IRM telah mencapai tahapan penjaringan pendapat publik (termasuk lembaga pemerintah yang melaksanakan Renaksi OGP). Sebelumnya, rancangan laporan IRM ini telah melalui serangkaian proses penelaahan dan peninjauan oleh IRM support unit dan oleh Panel Pakar Internasional pada bulan November-Desember. 

Selama proses review berjenjang diatas berlangsung dari bulan November sampai awal Januari 2015, peneliti IRM tetap menerima berbagai masukan dari para pemangku kepentingan termasuk beberapa kementerian. Dengan demikian, berbagai masukan yang diterima sejak bulan November sampai sekarang belum dimasukkan kedalam versi laporan IRM saat ini. Masukan-masukan tersebut akan disatukan dengan masukan yang diterima selama masa penjaringan pendapat publik.

Untuk mengunduh rancangan laporan IRM, silahkan klik disini
Versi Bahasa Indonesia dari rancangan laporan IRM kini dalam proses penerjemahan.
Masa penjaringan pendapat: Januari 26, 2015 sampai dengan Februari 14, 2015
Pendapat bisa disampaikan lewat email mova(at)alafghani(dot)info 

Anda dapat juga mengirimkan masukan atas nama organisasi atau pribadi (dalam bentuk PDF) untuk dipublikasikan dalam halaman situs wiki CRPG OGP-IRM.

Lihat juga:


Mohamad Mova Al'Afghani, PhD
Peneliti IRM OGP 2013-2015


Regional autonomy principles restrict provinces in developing community based water and sanitation (?)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

We had a little chat today with several officials involved in the development of community based water and sanitation in East Java. One of the main obstacles in intervening in the development of community-based water and sanitation (Air Minum Penyehatan Lingkungan Berbasis Masyarakat or AMPL-BM) are due to regional autonomy. 

According to our sources, provinces can no longer intervene in the development of community-based watsan in regencies/municipalities, since their authority in water provisions are limited to inter-municipality/inter-regencies initiatives or in areas regarded as "water scarce". Indeed, regional autonomy principles bars provinces from interfering in local (regency/municipality) affairs. Water provision is considered as local affairs. On the other hand, almost all of community-based watsan initiatives are conducted at local level.

Our sources told that Law 23 is quite strict in terms of restricting provincial involvement into inter regency/municipality initiatives whereas Government Regulation 38 provides permit some intervention for water scarce areas. For now, provincial governments can intervene through "belanja hibah" (provincial grants). However, this scheme is not entirely secure. The Ministry of Interior have conducted review of the province's regional budget and conclude that such grants mechanism is incompatible with regional autonomy principles. 

We will conduct a legal analysis of regional autonomy laws and recommend feasible solution to this problem. 

CEO water mandate RTWS Guidance

Monday, January 19, 2015

UN-Water’s 2015 Annual International Zaragoza Conference on “Water and Sustainable Development: From Vision to Action” launched a comprehensive guideline on right to water and sanitation. The document: Guidance For Companies on Respecting the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation: Bringing a Human Rights Lens to Corporate Water Stewardship can be downloaded here.