Showing posts with label electricity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electricity. Show all posts
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Where to complain for bad water services – a comparison

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


If you are in England, UK:

Consumer Council for Water : Consumer Council for Water via kwout



If you are in Victoria, Australia:




If you are in Indonesia:





With one caveat however. The Indonesian Ombudsman does not deal particularly with water (or utilities issues). So I have no idea how they can help, especially when the service is privatized. Read my article here.


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Missing water and shadow users
Human Right Aspects of Private Sector Participation in the Water Sector
14 Disturbing Facts about Jakarta's Water
Water companies duty to satisfy reasonable demands

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The new electricity law

Friday, September 11, 2009

The House of Representative recently passed the new electricity bill. The bill is perceived by the media as a real attempt to liberalize the electricity sector in Indonesia. But is it true that the law is an attempt to liberalize the sector? How does the law protect investor?

Under the new law, electricity provision are segregated into generation, transmission, distribution and retail and the private sector is allowed to participate. The question is of course, in which segment can the private sector participate and what are the incentives, rights and obligation?

I will return with the discussion later. In the mean time, you can have a look at the new law here (in Bahasa).