Showing posts with label research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label research. Show all posts
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Good News Everyone: Join Dropbox and get 2.250 GB of free storage

Friday, July 16, 2010


In the previous posts, I explained two significant uses of Dropbox: to sync your MS Word Document across computers and sync your Endnote libraries, styles, filters and connections.  What I forgot to explain is what dropbox is all about.

This video explains it all:

File:Prof. Farnsworth.jpg
And, as Professor Farnsworth says: good news everyone, if you join through this referral, you will get 2.250 GB of free storage (and sync).

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Howto: Sync your Endnote libraries, styles, filters and connections using dropbox

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Hello again researchers!


Your Endnote contains the list of literatures and authorities you used for your research paper. It may also contain your research data itself, attached to the bibliography in endnote. For sure, you want it to be safe and if possible, retrievable from any location which has endnote software in it. The solution: store your endnote data in the cloud. If you use multiple computers, you might want to sync it as well so that every changes you made in one computer will be adjusted in the other. We’ll do this using dropbox.


The Three Main Folders

1. Install Dropbox.

2. Identify three main folders used in endnote: the styles folder, the filters folder and the connections folders. Click edit, preferences, folder locations. You will see three default path to folder locations.

3. Go to windows explorers, find the location of those three folders, copy them.

4. Go to your MyDropbox, create a new folder (e.g. Endnote) and paste them there in the new folder.

5. Now you need to return to your endnote, click edit, preferences, folder locations, select folder. Change the path into your new endnote folders in Dropbox.




The library file (ENL)


Normally, Endnote store your library file in MyDocuments/Documents. Go to windows explorer, find the *.enl files and copy them. Next, go to MyDropbox, paste them there (or you can paste it in your endnote folder in dropbox too, if you like). In order to change the default library location, do the following:
Click edit, preferences, libraries, open the specified libraries, click add open libraries, apply.



That’s it! Your endnote is in your dropbox now. You can work on your paper in any computer with endnote and dropbox installed. If you are using a new computer, don’t forget to adjust the paths of your endnote software into your dropbox folder.   

Related post:
Howto: Autosave your ms word doc in Dropbox

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Howto: Autosave your ms word doc in Dropbox


This is a tip to my fellow countrymen ph.d, master students, and anyone else working with MS-Word in multiple computers. As you know, dropbox is a tool to sync, store and (optionally) share your data in the cloud. It gives you a 2GB of storage capacity.

Now that’s too small for me since I consume at minimum 5 GB of space ( for my MS Office files and PDFs data) every 6 months. So I use dropbox in combination with other free cloud strorage facilities such as Skydrive (25 GB). I use dropbox only to sync and store my working files, which are mostly in MS-Word (well, occasionally lawyers use excell and visio too, but only occasionally!). The whole ms-word working files cost me less than 500 MB for one year. That should work for everyone too. Even if you manage to write and publish 50 papers in a month, that should count for less than 1 GB for the whole year! Bottomline: dropbox free 2 GB account would suffice for syncing your working files. But for your data, you may need additional backup storage from Skydrive.

Here’s how it work for MS Word:

MS Word 2003:

Click tools --- Options --- File Locations --- Modify




MS Word saves your working files in Document/My Document by default. In order to change this, click modify and point it to your MyDropbox folder (normally located in My Document).

For MS Word 2007, you need to click the Office Button, click Advanced, in the General section click File Locations, click Documents in the File types list,  click Modify and then point it to your MyDropbox location.

Done. Now there is no more need to copy-paste your file from your local computer to your MyDropbox folder. Just save it as usual, and it will store in the cloud, your local hard drive and sync with your other computers at the same time.

Later when I have time, I will provide you with a tutorial on how to sync your endnote files, libraries and styles across computers as well as storing it in the cloud, using Dropbox.

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Aardvark for Legal Research?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Google had recently acquired Aardvark, a social tool designed to post and answer question or consultations. The idea is pretty much like Ask Yahoo or Google Answer, except that Aardvark can search the right person in answering your question (that is, based on your profile). I have asked this question for example, and the answer is not bad. So, now I will ask another question in Aardvark. My question would be: how much is the average sallary in London for lawyers with around 4 years of experience?

I will update in another post if I have received favourable answer.

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Your Water Law Resources

Sunday, June 17, 2007

  1. Lopez Ostra, ECHR in Water

  2. Non-revenue water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Non revenue water (NRW) is water that has been produced and is “lost” before it reaches the customer. Losses can be real losses (through leaks, sometimes also referred to as physical losses) or apparent losses(for example through theft or metering ina

    to water+law economy ... 2 days ago
  3. lawbibliography_righttowater.pdf (application/pdf Object)

  4. Water as a Human Right

    There have been both express and implied references to a right to water in public international law. Some of the instruments included in the following analysis are traditional human rights instruments. Instruments arising in the humanitarian law arena, as

  5. Right to water and privatization, LL.M Paper

  6. Human rights, international law and water

    2. Human rights, international law and water Until the 1970s, international instruments were largely silent on water access and conservation. The notable exception was the Geneva Conventions, which provided that occupying powers must provide access to mi

  7. Google Mail - [fkkm] ”Catchments Area” Supaya Ditinjau Ulang

    Rencana ekspor air ke Singapura yang diikuti kebijakan menetapkan kawasan catchments area seluas 37 ribu hektare di Pulau Bintan masih menimbulkan kontroversi.

    to indonesia trade singapore water+law ... on june 05
  8. French Water Law

    When French courts have to decide on a water disconnection case for nonpayment, they usually order the reinstatement of supply in order to protect health or human dignity. A few cases of jurisprudence have taken place. As court proceedings are slow and co

    to water+law france human+rights ... on june 04
  9. IngentaConnect A Regulatory Approach to the Jakarta Water Supply Concession Contracts

    A Regulatory Approach to the Jakarta Water Supply Concession Contracts Author: Lanti, Achmad1 Source: International Journal of Water Resources Development, Volume 22, Number 2, June 2006, pp. 255-276(22) Publisher: Routledge, part of the Taylor & Franc

    to indonesia water+law ... on june 02
  10. Land and water – the rights interface

    Throughout history, in many societies and legal traditions rights to use water and land have been closely inter-linked. Sometimes, particularly in arid areas, the right to use land depended on the application of water.[116] More commonly, the right to use

    to water+law history ... on may 31
  11. water privatisation in England and Wales

    The experience of water privatisation in England and Wales shows that the use of equity financing serves the interests of private shareholders before

  12. D19: WaterTime case study - Edinburgh, UK Emanuele Lobina,1 Senior ...

    together with the relative electoral weakness of the Conservative government in Scotland.7 However, the 1989 water privatisation in England and Wales


    Economic Regulation. Institute of Water Officers. (Northern Area Weekend School). 2nd February 2007. Ofwat: protecting consumers, promoting value and

  14. water privatization england


  15. Water companies not built to float

    It is the story of water privatisation in England and Wales. The development of regulation since 1989 increasingly and inevitably, involved central

  16. Water privatisation in england

    The paper’s discussion of the structural options for the Water Service starts with a presentation on the results of water privatisation in England and Wale

    to water+law privatization england ... on may 31
  17. water privatisation in england

    ABSTRACT: This paper details the history of water privatisation in England and Wales and the associated evolution. in concepts of efficiency and equity

  18. Water Rights

    Goal of Water Law. To coordinate all uses of water, especially those uses ... A rule of capture; Generally follows the English Rule of Absolute Ownership

    to water+law english+law ... on may 31
  19. Water Rights and Water Conservation

    The natural flow theory (also called the English rule) protects the ... of the reasonable natural flow theory of riparian rights in Arkansas water law

    to water+law english+law ... on may 31
  20. dirty aid dirty water

    The UK Government’s push to privatise water and sanitation in poor countries

    to water+law privatization ... on may 31
  21. water rivatization in england and wales

    In 1989, England and Wales embarked on one of the first modern privatizations in the water sector. The government sold ten publicly owned water companies—encompassing water and sewerage assets and operating licenses—and set up a new, independent secto

    to privatization water+law ... on may 31
  22. Keppres 23/82 on Irrigation

    in the frame-work of implementation of uw Number II of 1974, the Government Regulation Number 22 of 1974 on Water Management Regulation has been promulgated regulating all efforts for water managementsuch as the right of use, control, management, utilizat

    to indonesia irrigation water+law ... on may 26
  23. Subak irrigation in Bali

    “I am just borrowing water, but I will return it in an hour”. The interdependence of informal and formal institutions in Balinese irrigation management.

  24. Lorenzen_irrigation.pdf subak in bali

    to water+law adat bali indonesia ... on may 26
  25. Lansing 1996

    Our interest in trying to find a way to analyze the ecological effects of the traditional management system was stimulated by the crisis in rice production triggered by the advent of the "Green Revolution" in Bali. During the 1950s Indonesia (figure 7.1)

    to adat water+law bali indonesia ... on may 26
  26. Subak (irrigation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Subak is the name of water management (irrigation) system for paddy fields on Bali island. For Balinese, irrigation is not simply providing water for the plant's roots, but water is used to construct a complex, pulsed artificial ecosystem.[1] Paddy fields

    to bali water+law adat indonesia ... on may 26
  27. Resources on Water Law

    to water+law ... on may 26
  28. Sources 8 "Legal Resources for the Right to Water" (2004)

    This publication compiles and describes international, regional and national legal provisions and case law that give effect to the human right to water.

    to human+rights water+law ... on may 24

    Difficulty in implementing tariff adjustment is often considered as one of the


    overall responsibility for all aspects of water law and policy in England,. including water supply, water resources management and the regulatory

    to water+law english+law ... on may 23
  31. Water UK: Working on behalf of the Water Industry for a sustainable future

    to water+law english+law ... on may 23
  32. Water...

    English water law was relatively simple being formed where water was abundant and conflicts over its use rare

    to water+law english+law ... on may 23
  33. National Water Law and Policy

    What does a National Water Lawyer Actually Research? Discovery Day 21 February 2007

    to water+law english+law ... on may 23
  34. Land Drainage Act 1994

    A print version is also available and is published by The Stationery Office Limited as the Land Drainage Act 1994, ISBN 010542594X

    to water+law english+law drainage ... on may 23
  35. Land Drainage Act 1991 (c. 59)

    A print version is also available and is published by The Stationery Office Limited as the Land Drainage Act 1991 (c. 59), ISBN 0105459917.

    to water+law english+law drainage ... on may 23
  36. Water mergers | Reckon Open

    This page is for material relating to the regulation of mergers between water companies in England and Wales, including:

    to water+law english+law merger ... on may 23
  37. The Water Services Regulation Authority

    The Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) is the economic regulator of the water and sewerage industry in England and Wales. Our role is to seek value for consumers. Before 1 April 2006 our functions rested with the Director General of Water Service

  38. Water mergers | Reckon Open

    whether that merger may be expected to prejudice the ability of [Ofwat], in carrying out its functions by virtue of the [Water Industry Act 1991], to make comparisons between different water enterprises.

  39. Enterprise Act 2002 | Reckon Open

    Amongst many other things, the Enterprise Act 2002 makes the Competition Commission determinative in merger cases and in market investigations (which replace complex monopoly investigations), and changes the substantive question for these investigations a

  40. The Enterprise Act 2002 (Enforcement Undertakings and Orders) Order 2006

    The Stationery Office Limited as the The Enterprise Act 2002 (Enforcement Undertakings and Orders) Order 2006, ISBN 0110740564

  41. Water Resources Act 1991 (c. 57)

    print version is also available and is published by The Stationery Office Limited as the Water Resources Act 1991 (c. 57), ISBN 0105457914

  42. Water Industry Act 1999

    A print version is also available and is published by The Stationery Office Limited as the Water Industry Act 1999 , ISBN 0 10 540999 5. The print version may be purchased by clicking here. Braille copies of this Act can also be purchased at the same pric

  43. Water Industry Act 1991 (c. 56)

    The text of this Internet version of the Water Industry Act 1991 (c. 56) has been prepared to reflect the text as it received Royal Assent. The authoritative version is the Queen's Printer copy published by The Stationery Office Limited as the Water Indus

  44. Fish Out of Water: The Public Trust Doctrine in a Constitutional Democracy

    This Article explores various theoretical explanations for the public trust doctrine. The author rejects trust law as unworkable and constitutional law as historically unrelated. The author also rejects explanations rooted in judicial review theory and th

    to water+law public+trust ... on may 22
  45. Water as a Human Right?

    to water+law human+rights ... on may 22
  46. The Common Law Solution to Water Pollution: Publications: The Independent Institute

    Before passage of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the right to pollute water was determined primarily by state common law rules of nuisance and of water rights. The common law rules were strict. As a Texas court noted, “any corruption of water which prevents

    to water+law english+law pollution ... on may 22
  47. Prior Appropriation

    The public trust doctrine is a principle, based on English common law, that the state possesses sovereignty and domain over all shorelands and navigable water. Under this doctrine, the state must administer these lands and waters to maintain public rights

    to english+law water+law ... on may 22
  48. Water finance - a discussion note

    This paper examines issues of financing water supply and sanitation systems, including: - A critique of the ?top down? approach to water finance of the World Bank, the Camdessus report, and the water multinationals - Proposing a different approach, based

  49. Privatising other people's water - the contradictory policies of Netherlands, Norway and Sweden

    The Nordic countries, including Norway and Sweden, are famous for their strong welfare state and public services. Stockholm?s public sector water company hosts the world?s leading annual conference of water, in a week that celebrates its achievement of cl

    to nordic water+law privatization ... on may 20
  50. Making water privatisation illegal: - new laws in Netherlands and Uruguay

    Both Uruguay and Netherlands are legislating to make privatisation of water illegal. This report describes the processes and discusses the context of international laws.

  51. Private and public interests in water and energy

    Article in Natural Resources Forum 28 (2004) 268?277 November 2004 on social risks of privatisation of water and energy. Based on empirical evidence from developed, transition and developing countries, the article looks at how the introduction of private

    to privatization water+law ... on may 20
  52. Water privatisation and restructuring in Asia-Pacific

    Overview of privatisation, liberalisation and restructuring of water in Asia-Pacific, including survey of multinational and regional companies.

  53. Privatisation and restructuring of water supply in Russia and Ukraine

    Examines the problems and policy issues in the water sector on Russia and Ukraine, the experiences with privatisation and reform so far, the activities of international institutions, and of multinational and Russian companies in the water sector.

  54. Public resistance to privatisation in water and energy

    The process of privatisation in water and energy has proved widely unpopular and encountered strong political opposition. This paper examines the role of this opposition in delaying, cancelling, or reversing the privatisation of water and energy. Developm

  55. A global review of multinational corporations in the water and electricity sectors

    The strategies, activites and retreats of multinational corporations in the water and electricity sectors

  56. GATS and the Electricity and Water Sectors

    This paper discusses the impact of the GATS agreement of the World Trade Organisation on the electricity and water sectors.

  57. Aquafed - another pressure group for private water

    An analysis of the new private water lobby group, Aquafed, and the other forms of lobbying and pressure used by the private water companies.

  58. Pipe Dreams - failure of the private sector to invest in water

    The report examines the empirical evidence on the numbers of new connections to water supply resulting from investment by private sector water companies in developing countries.

    to water+law privatization ... on may 20
  59. Water and electricity in Nigeria

    The report reviews privatisation solutions promoted by the World Bank and the IFC, and critical responses to them.

  60. Watertime Links

    list of water related research in eu

  61. WaterTime

    Watertime final results: Good Practice Recommendations and Participatory Decision Support System

  62. Water as a Public Service

    A review of the history, economics and politics of public water services, including the role of capital finance, labour, and democratic participation.

  63. General Comment No. 15 ICESCR

    Convention Abbreviation: CESCR COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS ... General Comment No. 15 (2002) The right to water (arts.

    to water+law human+rights ... on may 11
  64. Water Library - Privatization of Water: International Year of Freshwater 2003

    to water+law privatization ... on may 11
  65. IELRC.ORG - Water law reforms - India - Switzerland - SNF

    National legislation is the outcome of processes, both local and the global. The interaction and influence between the domestic and the international legal systems, is mutually enriching. Certain aspects of water management have first been the product of

    to water+law acts legislations ... on may 09
  66. SEA-USER News

    According to the Business Times, Poh Lian Holdings has acquired 20 percent of a consortium, Upton Synergy Indonesia (USI), which has just completed a feasibility study to harness several water catchment areas in Indonesia's Riau islands, which lies close

  67. Ecologic - Institute for International and European Environmental Policy - Liberalisation of water services in Europe: recent developments

    21 May 2003, Vienna - R. Andreas Kraemer R. Andreas Kraemer, the Director of Ecologic, presented a first assessment of recent developments concerning the potential liberalisation of water services in Europe.

  68. Challenges and Strategies for Water Supply and the European Commission May 2003 Green Paper on Services of General Interest

    WRc/Ecologic Study on Competition in Water • Objectives and issues • Key findings (on competition) • Green Paper on Services of General Interest • Character and Purpose • Need for EC regulatory framework for water supply? • Walking a tightrope

  69. Water and Competition Law in Europe


  70. New Economy of Water

    surface water needing treatment, just ahead of EU plans to. liberalize its water industry. ... possible bulk water trade restrictions might suggest

    to trade environment eu+law water+law ... on may 05
  71. Wetlands in the EEA's Third Assessment of Europe's Environment

    At the EU level, the Water Framework Directive, which sets provisions for the protection of water resources at the catchment level, will help in developing wetland conservation strategies. The European Charter on Water Resources adopted by the environment

    to wetlands water+law eu+law ... on may 04
  72. 2 European water charter -

    2 European water charter Proclaimed in Strasbourg, 6 May 1968 PREAMBLE The Committee of Ministers, Having regard to Recommendation 436 (1965) of the Consultative Assembly on fresh water pollution control in Europe; Taking into account Resolution No. 1

    to water+law eu+law charter ... on may 04
  73. CIPD - Human rights

    A further potential example comes from the case of McGowan v Scottish Water [2005] IRLR 167.The employee claimed that Scottish Water had breached his rights to family life under Article 8 by covert surveillance of his house which revealed he was falsifyin

    to echr human+rights water+law ... on may 03
  74. EUI - LAW - Human Rights, Constitutionalism and ...

    Human Rights, Constitutionalism and International Economic Law Professors Francesco FRANCIONI and Ernst-Ulrich PETERSMANN with occasional participation by Professor M. PATTERSON

    to water+law human+rights ... on may 03
  75. The Human Right to Water Revisited - Professor Stephen C. McCaffrey

    The European Parliament declared in September 2003 that "access to drinking water is a basic human right," and the European Council on Environmental Law has adopted a Resolution on the Recognition of the Right to Drinking Water in the Member States of the

    to eu+law water+law human+rights echr ... on may 03
  76. Environment and Rural Development Committee - Evidence Received forThe Water Services Etc. (Scotland) Bill

    The drivers of the existing policy on water services do not appear to marry up water service objectives with social justice objectives, based as they are on the twin assumptions of (a) no general taxation funds should be put into water services and (b) th

    to echr water+law ... on may 03
  77. The Becker-Posner Blog: How to Conserve Water Efficiently-BECKER

    How to Conserve Water Efficiently-BECKER The sharp rise in world population and income during the past five decades has stimulated greatly increased demand for clean water, and concern about whether the supply of water would be adequate to meet these nee

  78. The Becker-Posner Blog: The Science and Economics of Water Shortage--Posner

    The Science and Economics of Water Shortage--Posner The shorter the supply of a natural resource, the more important it is to have an institutional structure for allocating it efficiently among demanders, both present and future.

  79. Water Pricing and Valuation in Indonesia : Case Study of the ...

    Small irrigators under Indonesia’s basic water law do have putative rights. senior to industrial users. A quota system can work, as farmers know in advance ...

    to indonesia water+law pricing water ... on april 27
  80. singapore water trade with malaysia and alternative

  81. hydrology basics

    to water+law hydrology ... on april 24
  82. water-scenarios_abstracts_ eu

    water scenario eu

    to water+law eu+law ... on april 24
  83. A Shared Vision - Transnational Institute

    A shared vision exists between the EU and water corporations. The vision was put together in a series of private meetings and consultations between water corporations and the EC. The shared vision involves the EU developing the ideological, legal and fina

    to privatization mnc water+law eu+law ... on april 12
  84. EU water policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Directive is intended to protect human health by laying down healthiness and purity requirements which must be met by drinking water within the Community (see water quality). It applies to all water intended for human consumption apart from natural mi

    to eu+law water+law ... on april 12
  85. EU Water Policy, Complete Resource on Euractive, with links

    EU water policies comprise a large body of legislation covering areas as diverse as flood management, bathing-water quality, chemicals in water, clean drinking water, groundwater protection and urban waste water. The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), ad

    to eu+law water+law ... saved by 1 other person ... on april 12
  86. Environment - Water - Water Framework Directive

    On 23 October 2000, the "Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy" or, in short, the EU Water Framework Directive (or even shorter the WFD) was finall

  87. EU Water Directive Handbook

    to eu+law water+law directive ... on april 12
  88. EEB Handbook on EU Water Policy under the Water Framework Directive

    Current projects include EU water law, realisation of innovative water technologies, and the. tendencies towards privatisation and liberalisation of the

    to eu+law water+law ... on april 12
  89. Title “EU Water policy; failure to implement will costs EU ...

    (Brussels, 21 March, 2007) - On the eve of World Water Day and the European Water Conference, where the Commission’s new report on how well EU water law has

    to eu+law water+law directive ... on april 12

    EUOBSERVER / FOCUS - The vast majority of EU states have not properly transcribed EU water law into national legislation, nailed research into water management economics or earmarked cash for investments - environment commissioner Stavros Dimas said in Br

    to water+law eu+law directive ... on april 12
  91. Bibliography on Water Resources and International Law , search results for : international organizations; associations and institutions > european union, Peace Palace Library

    Bibliography on Water Resources and International Law The Bibliography on Water Resources and International Law is compiled by Drs Rens Steenhard, reference librarian at the Peace Palace Library, extended and updated regularly.

    to water+law bibliography eu+law ... on april 12
  92. Batlady's bookmarks tagged with "waterrights" on

    # COID Overview save this to waterrights irrigation ... on jan 23 # Schroeder Law Offices -- Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Nevada Water Law save this to waterrights water law transfer ... saved by 2 other people ... on aug 28

    to water+law ... on april 12
  93. Clean Water Act


    A water right is a property right that arises solely by the act of placing water, theretofore unappropriated, to the appropriator’s beneficial purpose. Its place of diversion and use may occur in different watersheds.

    to water+law colorado ... on april 12
  95. Northwest Water Law & Policy Project

    The Northwest Water Law & Policy Project was established in 1994 as a project of the Natural Resources Law Institute at the Northwestern School of Law at Lewis & Clark College.

  96. R I G H T T O W A T E R

    to water+law right ... on april 10
  97. the right to water from concept to implementation

    to right water+law ... on april 10
  98. About WaterAid Privatisation of water utilities - Private sector participation | WaterAid

    "WaterAid strongly believes that privatisation should not be imposed upon poor countries through aid conditions, trade rules or conditions for debt cancellation."

    to water+law privatization ... on april 10
  99. EPA Ground Water & Drinking Water Frequently Asked Questions

    On this page: * Getting Information about your Tap Water o Is it safe? o How will I know if my water isn't safe to drink? o What's this new drinking water report that I've heard about? o How can I test it?

  100. Water is a Human Right, not a Commodity - Corporate Water Privatization - Sierra Club

    "The human right to drinking water is fundamental to life and health. Sufficient and safe drinking water is a precondition for the realization of human rights." — United Nations 'General Comment' on the Right to Water.On November 27, 2002, water was for