Twittering the Indonesian Legal Community
Some of the most prominent figures of the Indonesian legal community is sharing their thoughts in twitter. Sometimes, when they are happy, they provide advices too, with 140 characters, that is.
(Hey, in this world, nothing is free, except for advices. And for lawyers, oftentimes, that is also not free. So, 140 characters is a good thing to start.)
So, who’s on Twitter? Here’s a list of those benevolent lawyers.
1. Taufik Basari often tweets about human rights law.
2. Pramudya tweets about Law and Economics.
3. Ari Juliano, who is the Indonesian Coordinator for the Creative Commons Project, often tweets about IPR
4. Faiz, our future Constitutional Court Chief Justice, tweets about, well, Constitution.
5. Arsil has his own Jurisprudence class in Twitter.
6. Anggara, our savvy Press Lawyer (he did several Judicial Reviews related to press law by the way) tweets here.
7. If you are a law student, keep an eye on Legal101 (from students, for students :)
8. Oh, I tweet too. You can find me here. I tried to organize my useful tweets, with this hashtag #lawtalk . Pram is also joining me in this hashtag.
These people are quite friendly. So I think they will be happy to answer your twitter queries.