Replacing Good Corporate Governance with Good AI Governance
Friday, February 24, 2006
People need corporations for investment. In corporations, shareholders are (generally) not liable for losses except for the amount of money they have invested. That's why investing in corporation is (again, generally) safe. If something goes wrong, the blame goes to the director. So a concept of Good Corporate Governance, which taught how good corporation is supposed to be managed, came into existence.
But what if tomorrow, due to MNT, no large factories and bureaucracies are required? And nobody needs directors anyway, coz they've got nothing to run! I guess people that will invest (note, in a post-mnt society, invest no longer means "money", but more to "knowledge") will invest whatever they have, in collaboration, through AI.
As corporations are replaced by AI, so is the GCG concept will be replaced by GAIG* ;) Sounds a bit like instant messenger huh?
* Good Artificial Intelligence Governance