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Kertas Posisi Masukan Jejaring AMPL untuk RUU SDA

Friday, October 12, 2018

Center for Regulation, Policy and Governance (CRPG) bersama dengan Global Water Partnership South East Asia, Jejaring AMPL dan UNICEF menyelenggarakan Focus Group Discussion "Dampak RUU SDA Terhadap Penyediaan Air Minum dan Sanitasi", 17 September 2018 di Jakarta. FGD ini kemudian dilanjutkan dengan workshop "Rekomendasi Multipihak atas Dampak RUU Sumber Daya Air Terhadap Penyediaan Air Minum dan Air Limbah" di Hotel Park Lane, Jakarta, 20 September 2018. Materi dari keseluruhan rangkaian FGD dan Workshop ini dipergunakan untuk memperkaya Kertas Posisi Jejaring AMPL yang disampaikan kepada DPR secara simbolis pada tanggal 20 September 2018.   

Bahan dan materi pada kegiatan diatas:

  1. Kertas Posisi Masukan Jejaring AMPL Kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia Perihal Rancangan Undang-Undang Sumber Daya Air (RUU SDA) (Download)
  2. Workshop Hasil Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Multipihak atas Dampak RUU Sumber Daya Air Terhadap Penyediaan Air Minum dan Air Limbah, Hotel Park Lane, Jakarta, 20 September 2018 (Download

Bahan dan materi lainnya terkait RUUSDA

Berita terkait di situs Jejaring AMPL.

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CRPG Presentation at the 2018 Dioxin Conference

Thursday, August 30, 2018

CRPG Director Mohamad Mova Al'Afghani gave a presentation at the Dioxin 2018 Conference in Krakow, Poland. His presentation was based on an earlier publication: AlAfghani, MM and Paramita, D, "Regulatory Challenges in the Phasing-out of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Indonesia", the International Chemical Regulatory and Law Review 01/2018 https://doi.org/10.21552/icrl/2018/1/5

His conference presentation can be downloaded here.

Seri Kajian Rancangan Undang Undang Sumber Daya Air (RUUSDA)

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Center for Regulation, Policy and Governance (CRPG) telah menyelesaikan serangkaian kajian terkait pembahasan Rancangan Sumber Daya Air di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat. Seluruh hasil kajian (dalam Bahasa Indonesia) dapat diunduh pada link yang disediakan dibawah.

  1. Masukan awal Untuk Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia Dalam Hal Penyusunan Rancangan Undang-Undang Sumber Daya Air (Download Makalah ; Download Presentasi
  2. Kertas Kebijakan 01/2018 Kajian Dampak Penggolongan Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) Sebagai Bagian dari "Pelayanan Air" dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang Sumber Daya Air (Download)
  3. Kertas Kebijakan 02/2018 Pengertian "Swasta", "Pengusahaan" dan "Syarat Tertentu dan Ketat" Dalam Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Atas Undang-Undang 7/2004 Mengenai Sumber Daya Air dan Rancangan Undang-Undang Sumber Daya Air (Download)
  4. Kertas Kebijakan 03/2018 Kajian Dampak Pasal 63f Rancangan Undang-Undang Sumber Daya Air (RUU SDA) Mengenai Kewajiban Untuk Membuka Akses Sumber Air Yang Berada di Tanah Yang Dikuasainya (Download)
  5. Ringkasan Hasil Seri Kertas Kebijakan CRPG Mengenai RUU SDA (Power Point, Bahasa Indonesia) (Download)

RUU Sumber Daya Air Masuk ke Baleg DPR

Monday, February 19, 2018

Pada tanggal 13 Februari 2018 yang lalu dalam sebuah acara diskusi di DPR, Ketua Komisi V DPR-RI Bapak Fary Djemi Francis resmi menandatangani surat kepada Badan Legislatif DPR RI untuk selanjutnya membahas Draft Rancangan Undang-Undang Sumber Daya Air (RUU-SDA).  

Pada kesempatan tersebut CRPG memberikan 6 (enam) poin masukan awal atas draft RUU SDA bulan Juli. Masukan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Hak atas air dalam RUU SDA belum menjamin air dalam konteks SPAM (Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum)
  2. Definisi Usaha dan Pengusahaan masih kabur dan dapat mengancam industri kecil
  3. AMDK digolongkan kedalam SPAM (dan hal ini tidak sesuai dengan Hak Atas Air)
  4. BUMN/BUMD belum tentu menjamin “dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan sebesar-besarnya demi kemakmuran rakyat”
  5. Alokasi Air: Kebutuhan Untuk Ternak Rakyat Lebih Prioritas Daripada Untuk Orang
  6. Penyediaan Air Berbasis Masyarakat Terancam
Dalam diskusi terungkap bahwa untuk usulan nomor 1 dan 5 sudah diperbaiki dalam draft RUU SDA versi Januari. Namun demikian, CRPG belum mampu memberikan analisis lebih lanjut karena belum menerima draftnya.

CRPG akan terus mengawal proses pembuatan RUU SDA. 

Bahan-bahan masukan dari CRPG dapat di download di link berikut:

Indonesia OGP-IRM end of Term Report available for public comments

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Image result for ogp irm

Our 2013-2015 End of Term Report (EoTR) is now available for public comment. The EoTR covers the results of the period of May 2014 to 31 December 2015 and includes some relevant developments up to 31 December 2016. The summary of the report is on the table below:

The Indonesian Government and the public will have two weeks to comment. The two weeks time period begins after the Bahasa Indonesia version is available at the OGP website. View or download the report here and click here for the official announcement at the OGP website.

The end of the public comment period will mark the end of my term as IRM Researcher. I started the IRM work since it was still under the auspices of UKP4 (Presidential Unit for Development Monitoring -- under SBY's Presidency) until, following the general election, was handed over to Bappenas and the Executive Office of the President. It has been a great pleasure to work alongside the OGP, civil societies and the Government of Indonesia. I thank you all for your support and assistance!

Increasing local government responsibility for communal scale sanitation

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

CRPG and the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney recently completed the research project "Increasing local government responsibility for communal scale sanitation" under the support of the Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative. The INDII project is a follow up of our previously completed ADRAS project on community based wastewater. This project was also tightly related to our previous AIIRA project on Community Based Water Services.

The project report consist of two parts and both can be downloaded from INDII's website (contact us if you have difficulties in accessing the reports).

Part 1: Review of national program guidelines and two city case studies (website)



Regulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in Indonesia

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

CRPG's research report on Persistent Organic Pollutants and the Phasing out of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) in Indonesia is available for download. Click here for the project page

The report consisted of Main Report with 6 annexes.


The report consisted of Main Report with 6 annexes:

Table of contents (Main Report):

1. International Conventions on PCB and its implementation in Indonesia
1.1. Basel Convention
1.2. Stockholm Convention
1.3. Rotterdam Convention
1.4. Ratification of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
1.5. Existing Regulations Relevant to Persistent Organic Pollutants

2. PCB Regulation in Other Countries
2.1. United States of America
2.2. Philippines
2.3. South Africa
2.4. European Union
2.5. England and Wales

3. Definitions and concepts in the management of hazardous chemicals
3.1. Chemicals vs Articles
3.2. Chemical Substances vs Chemical Mixture
3.3. Hazardous Substances and Substances of Very High Concern
3.4. Substance, Mixture and Articles under Indonesian Regulations
3.5. Globally Harmonised System in Indonesia
3.6. Chemical Substances under the Indonesian Chemical Bill
3.7. Waste

4. Regulatory Framework for PCB Life Cycle in Indonesia
4.1. Import, Export and Production
4.2. PCBs Import to Indonesia
4.3. Distribution of POPs in Indonesia
4.4. Registration
4.5. Packaging and Labelling of B3
4.6. Packaging and Labelling of B3 Wastes
4.7. B3 Waste Storage
4.8. B3 Waste Collection
4.9. Transportation
4.10. B3 Waste Utilisation
4.11. B3 Waste Treatment/Processing (Pengolahan Limbah B3)
4.12. B3 Waste Hoarding (Penimbunan Limbah B3)
4.13. Accident and Emergency Response
4.14. Occupational Health and Safety

5. Environmental Standards and Product Standards
5.1. Air Quality
5.2. Water Quality
5.3. Limit Values for PCBs in Food and Human Bodies
5.4. Standards to Determine Land Contamination
5.5. Product Standardisation

6. Institutional Arrangements
6.1. Specific Institutions
6.2. Ministry of Environment and Forestry
6.3. Local Government

7. Gap Analysis and Recommendations

8. Annexes


Annex 1 Recommendation for Regulatory Reform
Annex 2 Existing Regulatory Framework
Annex 3 PCB Official Guidance
Annex 4 PCB Code of Practice (by Dr. Carlo Lupi)
Annex 5 Analysis of Task, Role and Function of MoEF Units in PCB Phasing Out
Annex 6 Recommendation for the Regulation of Economic Incentives

Download the The Main Report and its Annexes here (6MB, 231 pages).
Download only The Main Report here.

Related report

Chemical Management in Indonesia: Present and Future (Analysis on the Draft of Chemical Management Law and the Draft Revision of Government Regulation No.74/2001 on the Hazardous and Toxic Substances) by Dyah Paramita is available for download here.