"Artificial Intelligence" akan menggantikan Lawyers pada 2030?
Menurut sebuah laporan dari sebuah kantor konsultan, setidaknya pekerjaan due dilligence sudah akan dapat diserah terimakan dari Junior Lawyers ke software tahun 2030 nanti. Sebenarnya ini bukan hal yang baru. Beberapa pakar seperti David Bainbridge dan Richard Susskind sudah membayangkan sebuah sistem pakar untuk menggantikan peran lawyers.
- Model #1 Business entities providing legal services only in which individuals and entities who are not licensed by the Law Society can have up to 49 per cent ownership.
- Model #2: Business entities providing legal services only with no restrictions on ownership by individuals and entities who are not licensed by the Law Society.
- Model #3 Business entities providing both legal and non-legal services (except those identified as posing a regulatory risk) in which individuals and entities who are not licensed by the Law Society would be permitted up to 49 per cent ownership.
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