Open Government Partnership (OGP) IRM AP 2013 Supporting Documents
We compile a list of Indonesia's Open Government Partnership IRM AP 2013 supporting documents on our wiki page. Not all of the docs can be displayed there of course, due to copyright concern. Thus, only those which are in public domain or have been given permission are listed. If you have any objection that the docs are somewhat publish however, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Paparan Presentasi dan Data Musrenbangnas
CRPG Wiki Page
After we launched our website a couple of days ago, CRPG is now ready to launch its wiki page. Why a wiki? Well, you probably have heard of sites like Wikipedia or Wikileaks. A wiki is dynamic, in the sense that an article can improve overtime. It is also decentralized and flexible, in the sense that everyone can participate in writing the article. The CRPG will use the wiki page to host a repository of public documents it collects during its research.
The CRPG also invites you all to participate in our wiki project. One of the planned project is to host Freedom of Information dispute Decisions from the courts and Information Commissioners. An ongoing project, which is related to our AIIRA project, is the collection of regulatory and policy documents for community based water and sanitation. If you happens to be working in these areas, by all means, we invite you to register and upload relevant documents to the CRPG Wiki page.
Here's a snippet of our site. The page of the wiki address is
Ringkasan analisa pengaruh adat dalam proyek infrastruktur air
CRPG web
As you might have been aware, the Center for Regulation, Policy and Governance recently launched its brand-new website. We will soon update the web with documents and results of our current researches.
Our Cyborg Future: Law and Policy Implications
Mungkin ada yang tertarik dengan legal futurism? Laporan dari Brookings institute ini menarik sekali untuk disimak. Laporan ini bermula dari putusan penting (landmark decision) dari MA Amerika Serikat dalam kasus Riley v California. Dalam kasus tersebut, SCOTUS memutuskan bahwa melakukan penggeledahan pada telepon selular tanpa dilengkapi surat perintah adalah tidak konstitusional.
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