Europe entering the 'Internet of Things'
I want to know what the latest RFID gadget can do and how the tech will affect regulation. The European Union has just recently unveiled its future RFID strategy and policies:
The Commission, in particular, proposes to address the privacy concerns of citizens to boost consumer confidence and Europe's position in a market experiencing 60% growth globally.RFID Law is just beginning to evolve. Its orbit: health and environmental issues, freqency allocation and, our favourite subject, the internet of things. The EU's COM stated:
In the responses to the online questionnaire, 86% of respondents were concerned that the system for registering and naming of identities in the future "Internet of Things" should be interoperable, open and non-discriminatory.Oh, in case you are not yet informed what internet of things means, it means that we can virtually hyperlink anything we have in the real world to the internet and locate them. That way I won't lose my keys anymore. If you want a start up info on this subject wikipedia is glad to help.
If you will be in Hannover on March 21st (that's, the last day of CeBIT), email me!
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