Protection of (Water) Consumer Rights in Indonesia (Online Discussion)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Indonesia in Motion will hold an online discussion on how to protect water consumer’s rights in Indonesia. The discussion will be held in Bahasa Indonesia.
You can either register through event brite or follow the instructions below.
You can either register through event brite or follow the instructions below.
Following is the announcement (in Bahasa Indonesia):
Serial diskusi 'Indonesia in Motion' Insya Allah akan mengudara lagi pada jumat pekan depan tanggal 2 Juni 2010. Dengan ini kami mengundang kembali Saudaraku semuanya untuk mengikuti seri diskusi online "Indonesia in Motion".
Waktu: Rabu, 2 Juni 2010, pk. 19.00 - 20.30. (GMT + 0) Pembicara: Mohamad Mova Al 'Afghani
(Ph.D Candidate, UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science. University of Dundee, UK)
Chair: Rizal Yaya
(PhD Student University of Aberdeen UK)
Tema: "Perlindungan Hukum bagi Konsumen Air di Indonesia"
Diksusi tersebut sangat menarik mengingat belum lama ini Jakarta mengalami krisis air dan sangat mungkin kejadian serupa berulang kembali. Diskusi online akan dilakukan lewat fasilitas Yahoo Messenger. Untuk berpartisipasi, silakan add (Indonesia in Motion)

Tambahan informasi dari Indonesia Law Reporter:
Acara ini bisa juga diikuti dari twitter dengan menggunakan hashtag #lawtalk atau me reply ke @movanet atau mendengarkan broadcast di home page Web Conference Indonesia Law Report.
Prosiding dari acara ini akan disiapkan oleh Indonesia in Motion.
Bahan bahan diskusi.
Makalah diskusi dengan judul “Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Air di Indonesia” dapat di download di sini.
Op-ed and blog posts:
Transparency in Water Services
Indonesian Water Services Suffering from a Lack of Governance
Supreme Court Decision on Water Monopoly in Batam
Missing water and shadow users
14 Disturbing Facts about Jakarta's Water
Tomorrow, the Freedom of Information Law is in force!
Three ways for your business to be implicated by the new Indonesian freedom of information law
Where to complain for bad water services – a comparison
Jakarta’s water crisis, whose fault?
Human Right Aspects of Private Sector Participation in the Water Sector
Is water a commodity or human rights?
The human right to water is not a property right
Why busy with the right to water instead of governance
Consultation on the Human Right Aspects of Private Sector Participation in the Water Sector: more responses from the private sector
The Economist and the human right to water
Transparency Agenda in Water Utilities Regulation
Hukum Air (Water Law) is not really a topic in Indonesia
Safeguarding water contracts in Indonesia
Constitutional Court review and the future of water law in Indonesia
Anticipating water trade