Law Expert System by 2008?
Sunday, March 5, 2006
In a compilation edited by Ian Neild & Ian Pearson of the British Telecom (BT), Expert system based home law advisors are expected to be available somewhere between 2008-2012. I am not in the position to agree or disagree but in my opinion, this is what is likely to be possible within the next 5 years: (i) Due Dilligence Software (possible through OCR and databasing), (ii) Legal Opinion Software on particular standard issue, (iii) Standard Contract Software (already available actually, but will certainly be enhanced) and (iv) Sentencing Software (for Jurors).
I think the practical role of Lawyers will be shrinked into (i) Representations at formal institutions (in Courts, ADRs or Legislative Offices) and (ii) specific negotiations. Law Offices will be much more decentralized by 2008 by application of Web Office. Lawyers work from home as even representations can be conducted through webcams or VRs.
See also, a discussion by Mike Treder at the CRN Blog.
Technorati Tags : Expert+System, Law, Legal, Artificial+Intelligence, Google, KM, Knowledge+Management