Showing posts with label ogp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ogp. Show all posts
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About Open Government Partnership and Independent Reporting Mechanism

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Corruption is one of the most serious problem that Indonesia currently have. To fight corruption, do citizen empowerment, and strengthening the governance is important to create a better country, to make a better life for all of the citizen. In order to achieve that, since 2011 Indonesia government partnered with Open Government Partnership (OGP), a voluntary international initiative that aims to secure commitments from governments to their citizenry to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance.

OGP Process
Indonesia as countries participating in OGP has to follow a process for consultation during the development of their action plan, and during implementation.
In this 2014-2015 period, Indonesia has reached its third national plan, where the scope has been expanded. There was even called SOLUSIMU, a contest where citizens could submit their ideas for improving public services for inclusion in the Action Plan, to make the betterment on the exclusivity-hole from the previous process on the previous period. However, the lack of advance notice, lack of evidence of consultation events, and lack of clarity on the incorporation of citizen-generated ideas in the action plan undermined the government’s increased public participation efforts.
Core Team meetings served as the multi-stakeholder consultation forum. It is found that there still was very little meaningful consultation and collaboration between government and wider civil society on the commitment implementation. The Core Team meetings then focused on raising awareness of the OGP process, and increasing public participation especially through SOLUSIMU contest, but the team did not publicize or track progress on commitments.

Methodological note
In Indonesia, The Independent Reporting Mechanism of OGP has partnered with Mohammad Mova Al’Afghani of Centre for Regulation, Policy, and Governance (CRPG), that carried out the evaluation of the development and implementation of this Indonesia’s third action plan. CRPG reviewed the government’s self-assesment report, gathered the views of civil society, and interviewed related government officials and stakeholders. After that, OGP staff and a panel of experts reviewed the report.
CPRG reviewed three key documents prepared by the government: a report on Indonesia’s third action plan submitted to the OGP portal in 2014, the internal document detailing action plan commitments and milestones published in Bahasa Indonesian in April 2015, and the government self-assessment report (GSAR) published in April 2015.
A stakeholder forum in FGD model was organized in Jakarta by The IRM researcher and Medialink, a civil society organization (CSO), in order to gather the opinion of multiple stakeholders.
Report Coverage
This report covers the first year of implementation of Indonesia’s third action plan, 7 November 2014 through 31 July 2015. Beginning in 2015, the IRM also publishes end of term reports to account for the final status of progress at the end of the action plan’s two-year period. This report follows on two earlier reviews of OGP performance, “Indonesia Progress Report 2011-2013” and “Indonesia Special Accountability Report 2013.” These reports covered the development and implementation of the first action plan as well as the development and implementation of the second action plan from 1 January 2013 through 31 December 2013.

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Indonesia OGP IRM Report Public Comment Period

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Indonesian 2014 IRM Progress Report have been opened for Public Comment since January.

At a glance, Indonesia's achievement with the Open Government is as follows:

Download the English version here and the Bahasa Indonesia version here

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(Open Government Partnership IRM) Invitation to comment on Progress Reports on Costa Rica, Finland, Ghana, Indonesia, Liberia and Panama

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) Blog invite comments on IRM progress reports for several countries, including Indonesia. The post made special reference to Special Accountability Report which is piloted by Indonesia OGP IRM:
About the Indonesia Special Accountability Report
Most of the countries whose reports are being released today began their OGP participation in 2013. Indonesia, a founding country of OGP, is an exception, having participated since 2011. So why is there a report on Indonesia being released for public comment today?
The first Indonesia action plan covered 2011 to the end of 2012. The second action plan covered all of 2013. This is the action plan evaluated in today’s draft “Special Accountability Report.” The government of Indonesia also released a third action plan in 2014 that runs until 2015. That action plan will receive a typical progress report after the one-year mark, similar to other countries in the same calendar as Indonesia. That report is due for public comment in July of this year.
The IRM takes its role as promoting learning and accountability seriously. For that reason, to the greatest extent possible, all OGP commitments will be tracked and accounted for. The Special Accountability report represents an important step in that direction.
Previously, CRPG announced a public comment period for the 2013 OGP IRM Report.

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Mekanisme Pelaporan Independen Open Government Partnership (Renaksi 2013) -- Masa Penjaringan Pendapat Publik

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Indonesia adalah salah satu dari 8 (delapan) negara pendiri Open Government Partnership, sebuah inisiatif multilateral yang bertujuan untuk menciptakan pemerintahan yang terbuka, akuntabel dan responsif. Open Government Partnership (OGP) diluncurkan pada tanggal 20 September 2011 dan saat ini beranggotakan 65 negara. Di Indonesia, inisiatif OGP mengambil nama Open Government Indonesia (OGI) yang -- pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono -- dikoordinasikan oleh UKP4. 

Negara anggota OGP diharuskan untuk membuat rencana aksi yang sesuai dengan nilai nilai OGP dan tantangan tantangan OGP.

Nilai nilai OGP adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Akses terhadap informasi
  2. Partisipasi Warga Negara
  3. Akuntabilitas Publik
  4. Teknologi dan Inovasi untuk Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas
Sementara itu, tantangan tantangan OGP adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Meningkatkan kualitas layanan publik
  2. Meningkatkan integritas sektor publik
  3. Manajemen sumber daya publik yang lebih efektif
  4. Membuat masyarakat yang lebih aman
  5. Meningkatkan akuntabilitas korporasi
Salah satu mekanisme pengawasan atas pelaksanaan rencana aksi OGP adalah proses pembuatan Mekanisme Pelaporan Independen (Independent Reporting Mechanism atau IRM) di setiap negara. Untuk pelaksanaan rencana aksi OGP 2013 dan 2014-2015, saya ditunjuk untuk menjadi peneliti IRM untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan Rencana Aksi Indonesia. Penulisan laporan independen pelaksanaan OGP Renaksi 2013 didasarkan pada prosedur dan manual yang dibuat oleh IRM OGP.

Secara umum, tahapan Mekanisme Pelaporan Independen adalah sebagai berikut:
  1. Desk Study dan studi literatur atas Rencana Aksi (Renaksi) dan pelaksanaannya
  2. Evaluasi awal dan pembobotan renaksi 
  3. Serangkaian wawancara
  4. Penulisan Draft Pertama 
  5. Review Draft Pertama oleh IRM unit di Washington DC
  6. Perbaikan oleh IRM Researcher dan pembuatan Draft Kedua
  7. Review Draft Kedua oleh International Expert Panel
  8. Perbaikan Draft Kedua oleh IRM Researcher dan pembuatan Draft Ketiga
  9. Penjaringan Pendapat Publik (termasuk badan badan pemerintah yang terlibat)
  10. Perbaikan oleh IRM Researcher
  11. Review oleh IRM unit
  12. Peluncuran Laporan OGP
Untuk Renaksi 2013 ini, IRM unit telah memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah laporan pendek (short report) karena rentang waktu Renaksi 2013 sangat berdekatan dengan Renaksi 2014.

Saat ini, proses IRM telah mencapai tahapan penjaringan pendapat publik (termasuk lembaga pemerintah yang melaksanakan Renaksi OGP). Sebelumnya, rancangan laporan IRM ini telah melalui serangkaian proses penelaahan dan peninjauan oleh IRM support unit dan oleh Panel Pakar Internasional pada bulan November-Desember. 

Selama proses review berjenjang diatas berlangsung dari bulan November sampai awal Januari 2015, peneliti IRM tetap menerima berbagai masukan dari para pemangku kepentingan termasuk beberapa kementerian. Dengan demikian, berbagai masukan yang diterima sejak bulan November sampai sekarang belum dimasukkan kedalam versi laporan IRM saat ini. Masukan-masukan tersebut akan disatukan dengan masukan yang diterima selama masa penjaringan pendapat publik.

Untuk mengunduh rancangan laporan IRM, silahkan klik disini
Versi Bahasa Indonesia dari rancangan laporan IRM kini dalam proses penerjemahan.
Masa penjaringan pendapat: Januari 26, 2015 sampai dengan Februari 14, 2015
Pendapat bisa disampaikan lewat email mova(at)alafghani(dot)info 

Anda dapat juga mengirimkan masukan atas nama organisasi atau pribadi (dalam bentuk PDF) untuk dipublikasikan dalam halaman situs wiki CRPG OGP-IRM.

Lihat juga:


Mohamad Mova Al'Afghani, PhD
Peneliti IRM OGP 2013-2015

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Open Government Partnership (OGP) IRM AP 2013 Supporting Documents

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

We compile a list of Indonesia's Open Government Partnership IRM AP 2013 supporting documents on our wiki page. Not all of the docs can be displayed there of course, due to copyright concern. Thus, only those which are in public domain or have been given permission are listed. If you have any objection that the docs are somewhat publish however, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Indonesia has released the 3rd Action Plan for 2014-2015. The design is made to assure the equality with Indonesia’s OGP Lead Chairmanship theme of ‘Promoting Public Participation’. It also emphasizes the importance of OGP movement to sub-national provinces and city level, where there are the center of citizens and real development. The Action Plan has announced some innovation to increase the awareness of public participation, such as holding “SOLUSIMU” (“Your Solution” in English), the contest of proposing any solution from people across nation to improve governance system; integrating inputs from CSOs to formulate the CSOs’ recommendation for the Action Plan; and involving youth as a new stakeholder group in each action plan development meeting.

Indonesia telah merilis Rencana Aksi yang ketiga untuk periode 2014-2015. Desain Rencana Aksi (Renaksi) ini dibuat untuk menjamin kesetaraan dengan kepemimpinan Pemerintahan Terbuka yang bertemakan “Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat” (Promoting Public Participation). Hal ini juga menekankan pentingnya gerakan Pemerintahan Terbuka untuk tingkat provinsi sub-nasional dan kota, di mana wilayah tersebut merupakan tempat pemusatan warga dan tempat perkembangan riil. Renaksi ini telah membuat beberapa terobosan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran partisipasi publik., seperti “SOLUSIMU” (dalam Bahasa Inggris Your Solution) yaitu suatu kontes di mana orang-orang yang berbeda negara bisa mengusulkan solusi apapun untuk memperbaiki sistem pemerintahan; menggabungkan masukan-masukan dari Organisasi-organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (OMS) untuk Renaksi; dan melibatkan pemuda sebagai kelompok stakeholder baru untuk berpartisipasi dalam setiap pertemuan pengembangan Renaksi.

There are 47 Action Plans agreed and divided into four groups of commitments related to the public service area. The action plan has the aim of increasing transparency and accountability on every ministry in vital sectors, such as economy, health, education, social, and law.

Terdapat sebanyak 47 Renaksi yang telah disepakati dan diklasifikasikan menjadi empat kelompok komitmen yang terkait dengan area pelayanan publik. Renaksi ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas pada setiap kementrian di sektor-sektor utama, seperti ekonomi, kesehatan, pendidikan, sosial dan hukum.