Experts: Jakarta to sink by 2025
High tide floods 2007: “Signs of a sinking Jakarta”
Source: Presentation by Hongjoo Hahm and Janjaap Brinkmann (World Bank)
Brinkman’s statement that Jakarta might sink by 2025 was widely quoted by the media:
'The major reason for this is not climate change or whatever, but just the sinking of Jakarta,' said Mr Jan Jaap Brinkman, an engineer with Dutch consultancy Delft Hydraulics, who worked on the study. By 2025, estimates from the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change show, sea levels would have risen by only about 5cm. But Mr Brinkman said that Jakarta, which spans a plain between coast and mountains, will be between 40cm and 60cm lower than it is now. The study shows that without better defences, the sea will reach the presidential palace, which is around 5km inland, in 2025 as well as completely inundate Jakarta's historic old city.
What you may not have seen is their full presentation:
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