AbstrakUndang-Undang Cipta Kerja menekankan pada kemudahan untuk melakukan
usaha. Salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian adalah penyederhanaan perizinan
berusaha. Konsep Regulasi Berbasis Risiko menarik bagi program penyederhanaan
perizinan karena diasumsikan bahwa penerapannya dapat mengurangi jumlah
perizinan. Namun, penerapan analisis resiko untuk menapis izin merupakan
sesuatu yang berbeda dengan penerapan konsep Regulasi Berbasis Risiko di
negara-negara lain. Selain itu, penerapan regulasi berbasis risiko juga perlu
memperhatikan kritik yang tidak terakomodasi dalam Undang-Undang. Tulisan
ini menjabarkan 4 (empat) kritik atas penerapan regulasi berbasis risiko dalam
Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja, yaitu (i) format omnibus merancukan penilaian
risiko, (ii) risiko volatilitas belum dipertimbangkan, (iii) risiko sistemik belum
dipertimbangkan serta (iv) potensi “regulatory capture”. Secara konseptual,
penerapan regulasi berbasis risiko memantik diskursus akademik mengenai
pengertian regulasi secara luas yang telah jauh berkembang dari pemaknaan sempit dalam wacana akademik di Indonesia yang mendefinisikannya sebatas
peraturan perundang-undangan semata.
Kata kunci: Regulasi, Regulasi Berbasis Risiko, Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja,
The Law on Job Creation emphasizes the ease of doing business. One of the things
that is of concern is the simplification of business permit. The concept of risk-based
regulation is attractive to simplify the programs due to the assumption that it may
cut off a number of licenses. However, the application of risk analysis to screen
permits is something different from other countries. In addition, the application
of risk-based regulations also needs to pay attention to the critique that is not
accommodated in the Law. This paper describes 4 (four) critiques of the application
of risk-based regulation in the Law, (i) the omnibus format confuses risk assessment,
(ii) volatility risk has not been considered, (iii) systemic risk has not been considered
and (iv) potential “regulatory capture”. Conceptually, the application of risk-based
regulation has sparked an academic discourse regarding the broad understanding
of regulation that has evolved far from the narrow meaning in academic discourse
in Indonesia which defines it only as a statutory regulation.
Keywords: Regulation, Risk Based Ragulation, Job Creation Law, Omnibus
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