Fungsi Kantor Staf Presiden Menurut Perpres 26/2015

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Setelah UKP4 dibubarkan, beberapa fungsinya konon akan dilaksanakan oleh Kantor Staf Presiden (KSP) yang saat ini dipimpin oleh Luhut Panjaitan. Berikut fungsi dari KSP menurut Perpres 26/2015:

  1. pengendalian dalam rangka memastikan program program prioritas nasional dilaksanakan sesuai dengan visi dan misi Presiden;
  2. penyelesaian masalah secara komprehensif program-program prioritas nasional yang pelaksanaannya mengalami hambatan; 
  3. percepatan pelaksanaan program-program nasional; terhadap dalam prioritas 
  4. pemantauan kemajuan terhadap pelaksanaan program-program prioritas nasional
  5. pengelolaan isu-isu strategis; 
  6. pengelolaan strategi komunikasi politik dan diseminasi informasi; 
  7. penyampaian analisis data dan informasi strategis dalam rangka mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan; 
  8. pelaksanaan administrasi Kantor Staf Presiden; dan 
  9. pelaksanaan fungsi lain yang ditugaskan Presiden. 

Register Obat dan Makanan BPOM dan Pusat Informasi Obat Nasional

Monday, March 2, 2015

Regulator obat dan makanan Indonesia, BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) memiliki website yang berisi daftar obat dan makanan yang mendapatkan izin edar. Register ini sangat berguna apabila konsumen memiliki keraguan terhadap suatu produk. Untuk mengecek apakah suatu produk memiliki izin edar, silahkan klik.

Selain itu, BPOM juga mengelola Pusat Informasi Obat Nasional (PIONAS) yang berfungsi untuk "...menyediakan akses informasi terstandar (Approved label) dari obat yang telah disetujui oleh Badan POM. Informasi dan konsultasi diberikan oleh PIO Nas secara cuma-cuma kepada masyararakat, konsumen, maupun stakeholder lainnya seperti tenaga profesi kesehatan baik dokter, perawat, dan apoteker". Untuk mengakses PIONAS silahkan klik.

Higher minimum wage is (in fact) a capitalist instrument

Saturday, February 28, 2015

A capitalist instrument for preventing revolution -- that is. Nick Hanauer argued that inequality is rising and this will inevitably lead to a revolution. How can we reduce inequality and prevent such revolution that will topple the bourgeois? Well, according to Nick, we should increase the minimum wage.

Well he's right. Capitalism needs consumer. Rising inequality will destroy consumer society. So, in order to save liberal capitalist democracies from impending doom, let's raise the minimum wage!(?)

Kumpulan Peraturan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes)

Friday, February 27, 2015

Berikut beberapa peraturan tentang Desa dan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) yang terdapat dalam wiki CRPG:

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Integrated Water Resources Management for Law and Policy makers/advisers (UNESCO Centre)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, University of Dundee will organize a workshop on "Integrated Water Resources Management for Law and Policy makers/advisers" this June, 2015. According to the website:

The course aims to provide participants with critical insights into the science that underpins integrated catchment management, through an exploration of key hydrological, ecological and hydrogeological processes, methodologies and the current state of the art. A further theme of the short-course will be to explore how the accessibility of water-related scientific data and information can be enhanced within a policy/decision-making context. This intensive short-course is targeted at water professionals that do not have a scientific background, such as lawyers and policy-makers.


Water and Power, are water services still public?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Municipal Services Project (MSP) have put a nice video for understanding the idea of 'corporatisation' and its implication on 'publicness'. Have a look also at an article by David McDonald "What is corporatization? The ‘new’ look of water and power utilities" at the MSP Blog.

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(Open Government Partnership IRM) Invitation to comment on Progress Reports on Costa Rica, Finland, Ghana, Indonesia, Liberia and Panama

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) Blog invite comments on IRM progress reports for several countries, including Indonesia. The post made special reference to Special Accountability Report which is piloted by Indonesia OGP IRM:
About the Indonesia Special Accountability Report
Most of the countries whose reports are being released today began their OGP participation in 2013. Indonesia, a founding country of OGP, is an exception, having participated since 2011. So why is there a report on Indonesia being released for public comment today?
The first Indonesia action plan covered 2011 to the end of 2012. The second action plan covered all of 2013. This is the action plan evaluated in today’s draft “Special Accountability Report.” The government of Indonesia also released a third action plan in 2014 that runs until 2015. That action plan will receive a typical progress report after the one-year mark, similar to other countries in the same calendar as Indonesia. That report is due for public comment in July of this year.
The IRM takes its role as promoting learning and accountability seriously. For that reason, to the greatest extent possible, all OGP commitments will be tracked and accounted for. The Special Accountability report represents an important step in that direction.
Previously, CRPG announced a public comment period for the 2013 OGP IRM Report.