New Perspectives Paper: Coordinating Land and Water Governance

Friday, January 16, 2015

A new paper is available for download at the GWP website: New Perspectives Paper: Coordinating Land and Water Governance. 


They argue that we need to become better at thinking, planning, governing, and managing land and water, taking into account the inseparable and symbiotic nature of these resources.

Land and especially water are still subject to management practices that prioritize technocratic solutions (geared at increased yields, water productivity) within the boundaries of the resource in question.

These technocratic approaches ignore the unequal power relations surrounding land and water resources, at local and international level, which result from the uneven distribution of these resources and competition over them. The availability and quality of farmland and water are not only overlapping but also interconnected – the way land is managed affecting water use and quality and vice versa. In addition, food price increases and market volatility add to the growing uncertainty about whether and how the world will be able to feed itself in the future.

Download here.


The relationship between community based water services and regional water utility

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

One of the aspects we examine in our Indii-AIIRA research on the regulatory framework for community based water services is the relationship between local water utilities in CBO.

As we all know, the National Policy on Community Based Drinking Water and Environmental Health (Kebijakan Nasional AMPL BM) differentiates between community based versus non community based (the policy uses the term community versus "institution based" services. "Institution based" services includes PDAM. Our research looks at how these regimes interact.

One of the dominant view we observe in our research is that CB WS is perceived as a voluntary effort. CB initiatives are perceived as inherently temporary, until PDAM can expand its network to remote areas. We discovered cases where PDAM actually expands to regions where CBs are already present.

Some of the issues that we encounter are the following:

1. Health PDAMs can oftentimes provides water reliable quantity and quality and have the capacity to expand network to remote areas served by CB.

2. Villagers may opt for PDAM services, provided that they can ensure quality abd quantity as above, rather than CB services, if they have both the willingness and capability to pay.

3. However, PDAM services costs more than CB services, due to various treatment, technology and expertise employed there. Consumer may choose lower water quality provided by CB over PDAM. This is case where consumer preference prevails.

4. In times of drought, water sources used by CB depletes. Healthy PDAMs can be more reliable in terms of securing water supply as they have the technology and resources to treat surface water, whereas, most CB uses groundwater. In these cases, consumer preference plays no role. Consumer may tend to choose to switch to PDAM from CB.

5. The coordination between PDAM, CB and other initiatives are crucial. This must be reflected in RISPAM (water plan)  and informally in day to day activities.

Fatwa Pengelolaan Sampah MUI dan Fatwa tentang Sampah Sungai

Berikut fatwa MUI tentang pengelolaan sampah.


From the field: HIPPAMS Tirto Agung

Sunday, January 11, 2015

As a part of our AIIRA research, the CRPG team conduct a field study in Lamongan Regency, East Java. We were invited to an annual stakeholders meeting of HIPPAMS Tirto Agung at Tlanak Village, Kedungpring District, around 23 kilometres from the city of Lamongan.

The presentation was made by HIPPAMS (Community Based Organisation for Water and Sanitation) chairman Panggeng Siswadi and attended by the Village Head and apparatus. The Tirto Agung Hippams have been able to increase coverage of almost four times since its establishment. It has healthy financials productive assets. Coverage is reported at 90 % and non revenue water is at 18%. A part if their revenue is dedicated to sanitation, thus the picture where the chairman is handing over a closet.

We are specifically interested in analyzing their statutes and village based regulatory framework, their organisational culture and service standard, as well as the role of the regency in monitoring and evaluation.

A Summary of Indonesian Aviation Regulation

Friday, January 9, 2015

ICLG posted an article about Indonesian Aviation Law in a Q and A format as a part of its 2014 book on Aviation Law. Here's a snippet:

Click here to go to their site.

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Monday, January 5, 2015

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"Artificial Intelligence" akan menggantikan Lawyers pada 2030?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Menurut sebuah laporan dari sebuah kantor konsultan, setidaknya pekerjaan due dilligence sudah akan dapat diserah terimakan dari Junior Lawyers ke software tahun 2030 nanti. Sebenarnya ini bukan hal yang baru. Beberapa pakar seperti David Bainbridge dan Richard Susskind sudah membayangkan sebuah sistem pakar untuk menggantikan peran lawyers.

Yang paling kontroversial tentu dari Susskind, dimana beberapa tahun lalu dia memprediksi bahwa di masa depan akan tersisa beberapa tipe lawyers: expert trusted adviser, enhanced practitioner, legal knowledge engineer, legal risk manager, dan legal hybrid. Legal knowledge engineer ini posisi yang menarik menurut saya, karena pekerjaannya adalah membuat packaging dan model penyelesaian.

Salah satu ide yang dilontarkan di Inggris adalah membuat model bantuan hukum seperti NHS Direct. Seperti diketahui, NHS Direct adalah portal kesehatan di Inggris yang bebas digunakan penduduknya. Portal ini bisa diakses lewat telepon maupun online dan juga menyediakan symptomps checker untuk mengecek gejala. Portalnya sendiri ditutup tahun 2013, tetapi sistemnya yang di Wales dan symptomp checkernya masih berjalan. 

Sementara itu di Kanada sedang hangat didiskusikan mengenai Alternative Business Structure (ABS) dari layanan hukum -- diantaranya untuk mengatasi berbagai kepakaran diluar hukum yang beririsan ke pelayanan hukum. Ada 3 model yang diusulkan:

  • Model #1 Business entities providing legal services only in which individuals and entities who are not licensed by the Law Society can have up to 49 per cent ownership.
  • Model #2: Business entities providing legal services only with no restrictions on ownership by individuals and entities who are not licensed by the Law Society.
  • Model #3 Business entities providing both legal and non-legal services (except those identified as posing a regulatory risk) in which individuals and entities who are not licensed by the Law Society would be permitted up to 49 per cent ownership.
Kembali ke soal due dilligence, apakah mungkin tahun 2030 diserahkan ke software? Yang saya tahu persis (dan juga gunakan) adalah bahwa software sistem manajemen dokumen saat ini sudah semakin baik. Dilengkapi dengan Optical Character Recognition yang sudah sangat efektif, ketelitian dan kecepatan software ini sangat bisa mengalahkan mata manusia. 

Disamping itu, dalam birokrasi juga terjadi berbagai penataan. Pemerintah memulai gerakan Sistem Informasi Perizinan (SIP) -- yang dulu ada di UKP4 dan sekarang masih berjalan walaupun UKP4 sudah tidak beroperasi. Sisminbakum juga memiliki potensi untuk bisa updating status AD/ART PT terakhir, real-time. Demikian juga, di pertanahan, BPN sudah membuat portal (masih sederhana sih) untuk layanan pertanahan (silahkan coba sendiri). Sementara itu, beberapa pengadilan (termasuk MA) sudah mempublikasikan register perkaranya online. Selain itu, sekarang ini di beberapa negara termasuk Indonesia juga sudah menjadi anggota Open Government Partnership (OGP) yang salah satu normanya adalah teknologi an inovasi untuk keterbukaan dan akuntabilitas. 

Keseluruhan dokumen diatas merupakan bagian standar dari kegiatan due dilligence atau uji tuntas. Apabila beberapa tahun lagi layanan-layanan tersebut bisa disediakan online secara akurat, maka tidak perlu lagi menggunakan manusia untuk mengecek satu persatu. Jadi, mungkin sekali -- setidaknya untuk due dilligence -- bahwa peran lawyer digantikan oleh software di masa depan. Tidak perlu artificial intelligence, cukup software yang terintegrasi dengan layanan yang sudah ada.