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Indonesia Law Report to be archived by the Library of Congress

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Good news and an honor for Indonesia law Report. I have received the following email from the Library of Congress:

The United States Library of Congress has selected your website for inclusion in the historic collection of Internet materials related to Legal Blawgs. The Library of Congress preserves the Nation's cultural artifacts and provides enduring access to them. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to the Congress and the American people to foster education and scholarship, extend to digital materials, including websites.

With your permission, the Library of Congress or its agent will engage in the collection of content from your website at regular intervals over time and make this collection available to researchers both at Library facilities and, by special arrangement, to scholarly research institutions.  In addition, the Library hopes that you share its vision of preserving Internet materials and permitting researchers from across the world to access them.

Our Web Archives are important because they contribute to the historical record, capturing information that could otherwise be lost. With the growing role of the Web as an influential medium, records of historic events could be considered incomplete without materials that were "born digital" and never printed on paper.


The library of congress recently archive a number of high-quality blawgs. You can access them here. I have also accepted their proposal for off-site access. To know more about Library of Congress Web Archiving program, click here.

Hopefully, we can soon see Indolawreport to be listed there and accessible to everyone in the future. Happy blogging and participate in writing history!

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Encourage your government to ratify the UN Watercourses Convention


The WWF launched postcard campaign to encourage more ratification of the UN Watercourses Convention. In order for the convention to be in force, another 16 ratification would be necessary. Indonesia has land border with East Timor, New Guinea and Malaysia. As such, there might be possibilities that transboundary water is shared.


According to the WWF:

We encourage you to download copies of the postcards and of their accompanying leaflet, in order to find out more about the 2011 target and what YOU can do to help achieve it, whether you are an influential individual, a government official, or a representative of an NGO or other interested institution. Join the numerous individuals and institutions that have already vowed to support the UN Watercourses Convention Global Initiative.

Click on the picture above to download “Everything you need to know about the UN Watercourses Convention”


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Drinking Water Quality Regulation Updated

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Last April, the Ministry of Health updated drinking water quality regulation. The Permenkes 492 contains minimum obligatory standard of drinking water quality parameters that should be followed. The Permenkes also obligates examination of drinking water quality by water quality providers and government agencies. In practice, regional governments enumerate this rule through regional by-laws. The previous drinking water quality regulation – issued in 2002 – is therefore repealed.

Download the Permenkes here.

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More on evernote for legal practice

Thursday, August 26, 2010



Here a list on what evernote can do to enhace your legal practice:

  1. As a blogging tool for legal bloggers (of course!)
  2. Research tool (collection of snippet and bookmarks) and digital filing cabinet.
  3. Customer relation management (CRM) tool
  4. Client tagging, note taking, auto forwarding from website contact form

I think evernote is good to be used for start-up lawfirms or those with SOHO (Small Office Home Office) practices. Recently I connected my inexpensive Lexmark s.305 Wi-FI printer to send scanned files (PDF or Pictures) directly to evernote so that it can sync with the system there. But if you have a scanner with autofeeder, I think it would be much faster and better to scan documents, deeds, contracts and all those boring stuffs :) No need to use expensive Knowledge Management softwares, its a waste of money!

Read our previous post: Evernote for Lawyers.

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Evernote for Lawyers

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



Many lawfirms are investing thousands of dollars for Knowledge Management software only to discover that their lawyers and workers find a hard time implementing it because they are not user-friendly. The reason why most KM software doesn’t work is because they are not embedded in your daily life; the inputs are tedious and time-consuming.


It’s time to liberate yourself. Someday you will quit working for that lawfirm and set-up your own (or do better things like enjoy your life) so you better have your own Knowledge Management system to satisfy your future need of information.


With evernote, you can write notes, clip web pages, take picture notes and voice notes directly from your desktop and mobile. Evernote has apps for ipads, blackberry, android and other OS. All of them are synced together in the cloud. The software is also equipped with integrated OCR (optical character recognition), so every text in the picture you take or document you scanned will be recognized. Some printers can also directly send scanned files to evernote.


Here’s a list of things that a lawyer can do with evernote:

  1. Take pictures of/scan business cards
  2. Use the voice note for interviews (using blackberry – silently :)
  3. Take a snapshot of important clauses
  4. Scan your meeting notes
  5. Scan legal documents
  6. Take pictures during site visit (and tag it in your project folder)

Evernote is linked with many other apps: your email (you can forward your mail to evernote), twitter and google reader, just to name a few. The most important of all: it’s free!
Click here to sign up.

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Human Right to Water vs Integrated Water Resources Management?

Thursday, August 19, 2010


OK, maybe not quite a ‘vs’. Tension might be the right word. And here is a paper discussing the topic. Of all the criticism towards the human right to water, this paper might be among those which are most coherent. According to the author:

Water resources management has been shaped by a variety of paradigms reflecting the evolution of government policies and transient societal values. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) became a predominant management framework in the 1990s. The Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) to development has also emerged recently as an influential approach in the water sector. IWRM and the HRBA to development in the water sector overlap significantly. The interactions between the two approaches remain largely unexplored although their repercussions may be significant. Because they do not share identical premises and objectives, the concurrent implementation the two approaches might also lead to tensions detrimental to water resources management. The aim of this article is to explore the interactions between IWRM and the HRBA to development in the water sector. Questions raised by perceived conflicts are identified to help address potential tensions when the two approaches coexist. Synergies between IWRM and the HRBA are also detailed to establish how the two approaches are aligned.


A Clash of Paradigms in the Water Sector? Tensions and Synergies Between Integrated Water Resources Management and the Human Rights-Based Approach to Development

Keywords: Water, Human Rights, Human Rights-Based Approach to Development (HRBA), Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)


There are four points of potential and existing tensions which the author raised. They are:


  1. The HRBA as an anthropocentric approach and the need for an ecosystemic contextualisation of claims on water resources;
  2. The HRBA as an vehicle for developmental aspirations and the acknowledgement of limits in water resources availability;
  3. The indistinct duties of right-holders in regards to the user-pays principle;
  4. Economic water management and the need to protect marginal groups and the poor;

Download yourself directly from the SSRN.

I am currently writing a paper for a conference and all of these four aspects above will be considered.

Enjoy reading….

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Experts: Jakarta to sink by 2025

Monday, August 16, 2010


High tide floods 2007: “Signs of a sinking Jakarta”




Source: Presentation by Hongjoo Hahm and Janjaap Brinkmann (World Bank)


Brinkman’s statement that Jakarta might sink by 2025 was widely quoted by the media:

'The major reason for this is not climate change or whatever, but just the sinking of Jakarta,' said Mr Jan Jaap Brinkman, an engineer with Dutch consultancy Delft Hydraulics, who worked on the study. By 2025, estimates from the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change show, sea levels would have risen by only about 5cm. But Mr Brinkman said that Jakarta, which spans a plain between coast and mountains, will be between 40cm and 60cm lower than it is now. The study shows that without better defences, the sea will reach the presidential palace, which is around 5km inland, in 2025 as well as completely inundate Jakarta's historic old city.


What you may not have seen is their full presentation:

Download directly from World Bank’s website.