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Gender and Development Special Issue: Water

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hat Tip to Mulia.

Oxfam/Routledge published a special issue on water in Gender and Development Journal. The articles can be downloaded for free.

Gender and community mobilisation for urban water infrastructure investment in southern Nigeria
Charisma Acey

'Good' water governance and gender equity: a troubled relationship
Frances Cleaver and Kristin Harmada

Sustainable development, water resources management and women's empowerment: the Wanaraniya Water Project in Sri Lanka
Seela Aladuwaka and Janet Momsen

Unequal burden: water privatisation and women's human rights in Tanzania
Rebecca Brown

After the summit: women's access to water and policymaking in Brazil
Marianna Leite

Oxfam experience of providing screened toilet, bathing and menstruation units in its earthquake response in Pakistan
Jamila Nawaz, Shamma Lal, Saira Raza and Sarah House

Can water professionals meet gender goals? A case study of the Department of Irrigation in Nepal
Pranita B. Udas and Margreet Z. Zwarteveen

Menstrual hygiene in South Asia: a neglected issue for WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) programmes
Thérèse Mahon and Maria Fernandes

I cannot drink water on an empty stomach: a gender perspective on living with drought
Frank S. Arku and Cynthia Arku

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