Nano Labelling

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

In my previoust post titled "nano inside?" I have discussed the reason why we need to disclose nanomaterials contained in consumer product. I have just recently red the UK government's response toward royal society's report. The Royal Society recommended that the ingredients lists of consumer products should identify the fact that manufactured nanoparticulate material has been added. (Section 8.3.3: paragraph 26).
Responding to the recommendation, the UK Government stated:
"The current use of free nanoparticles in consumer products is limited to a few cosmetic products. It is probable that in future they will be used in consumer areas such as food and pharmaceuticals. Government believes in consumers being able to make informed choices. Existing labelling requirements on cosmetic products would need to be revised to accommodate this. The feasibility of labelling needs to be fully investigated and we will work with the public and other interested parties to consider whether manufactured free nanoparticles contained in consumer products should be identified as such on lists of ingredients and under what circumstances." (emphasis and italic added).
This response is relieving as customer's right to informed consent must be upholded. UK Govt's response do not outline what kind of labelling they intend to apply. It may not  be a big label of "nano inside". What's important is that the disclosure is (i) sufficent and (ii) effective. Governments might need to issue detail nano-labelling guidelines for companies.
Mohamad Mova Al 'Afghani